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Chicago Notes-Bibliography Quick Style Guide: Journals and Other Periodicals

Article in Print Journal

  • Be sure to include volume and issue numbers. The volume number comes directly after the journal title with no separating punctuation. The issue number follows after a comma.
  • The page number(s) follows the publication date, after a colon



1. Firstname Lastname, "Title of Article," Title of Journal volume number, issue number (publication date): page number.


Lastname, Firstname. "Title of Article." Title of Journal volume number, issue number (publication date): page range.


1. Helen Smith, "Women's Education," Fake Journal 3, no. 5 (2019): 15.

Smith, Helen. "Women's Education." Fake Journal 3, no. 5 (2019): 10-26.

Article in an Online Journal

  • Provide a DOI or URL for the article (DOI is preferred).
  • Access dates are not required for formally published sources, although your instructor may request them. Access dates should be included, however, if there is no publication date or revision date.
  • Database names are not required if you are providing a URL or DOI. If there is no URL or DOI, or these links will not make the article accessible to a reader, provide the Database name in place of the URL.



1. Firstname Lastname, "Title of Article," Title of Journal volume number, issue number (publication date): page, URl/DOI.


Lastname, Firstname. "Title of Article." Title of Journal volume number, issue number (publication date): page range. URL/DOI. 


1. Helen Smith, "Women's Education," Fake Journal 3, no. 5 (2019): 15,

Smith, Helen. "Women's Education." Fake Journal 3, no. 5 (2019): 10-26.

Article with More than One Author

  • The names of the authors are listed in the same order as on the title page.
  • For articles with 2-3 authors, include the names of each author. If the article has 4 or more authors, provide the first author’s name followed by “et al.” 
  • In the bibliography, only invert the name of the first author.



1. Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname, and Firstname Lastname, "Title of Article," Title of Journal volume number, issue number (publication date): page, URl/DOI.


Lastname, Firstname, Firstname Lastname, and Firstname Lastname. "Title of Article." Title of Journal volume number, issue number (publication date): page range. URL/DOI.


1. Helen Smith et al., "Smith Hall," Fake Journal 2, no. 19 (2018): 6,

Smith, Helen, et al. "Smith Hall." Fake Journal 2, no. 19 (2018): 5-18.

Article in a Magazine

  • Citing a magazine article is similar to citing a journal article with a few exceptions.
  • Publication date is not enclosed in parenthesis.
  • A volume number and issue  number, even if present in the magazine, is not required as publication date is sufficient to locate the article.
  • Page numbers are not required in the bibliographic entry, but may be included in the footnote.
  • When viewing a magazine article online, include a URL at the end of the citation.



1. Firstname Lastname, "Title of article," Title of Magazine, Publication date, page number, URL.


Lastname, Firstname. "Title of article." Title of Magazine, Publication date. URL.


1. Henry Wells, "A Poem for My Stagecoach," Sycamore, May 4 1968,

Wells, Henry. "A Poem for My Stagecoach." Sycamore, May 4 1968.

Article in a Newspaper

  • The citation for a newspaper article is similar to a magazine article.
  • Be sure to include the full publication date (formatted as Month Date Year), as this is often crucial to locating the article.
  • If the newspaper is not national, or not well-known, include the location of the newspaper in parenthesis after the title of the newspaper. You do not need to italicize the location.
  • If viewing an article online, include a URL. 



1. Firstname Lastname, "Title of Article," Title of Newspaper (city, state), publication date, URL.

Lastname, Firstname. "Title of Article." Title of Newspaper (city, state), publication date. URL.


1. Henry Wells, "Why I Chose Aurora," Onyx (Aurora, NY), May 4 1868,

Wells, Henry. "Why I Chose Aurora." Onyx (Aurora, NY), May 4 1868.